Tagged with nature

Movies, Nature, and Reality

Movies, Nature, and Reality

This weekend, like apparently millions of other people, (it was #1 in the box office) I saw The Lorax. I remembered the book from when I was a child along with all of Dr. Seuss‘ other books like “The Cat in the Hat,” Green Eggs and Ham,” Horton Hears a Who,” etc.  Since I was a “misfit”  … Continue reading

The Origins of Soap: What is Soap?

Wash your hands, young man (lady)! It is everywhere –from bathroom signs to that age-old parental declaration—you should wash your hands. But, exactly what is soap, and how does soap, a product made from fat and ash, actually clean? It’s in the science. Yep, I mean the science of cleaning. As mentioned in the first article in … Continue reading